• info@esmf.eu


France - European Silat Melayu Federation


France is a country with a very long Silat history since the late 70’s wether about Silat Melayu or Silat from Indonesia. This is a consequence of the geographical location of France -between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands- two colonial countries that occupied respectively Malaysia and Indonesia.

Although Silat from Indonesia is more widely developed, Silat Melayu also has strong organizations that work for its development.

One of these organizations is Culture Silat -Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia / France, created in 2015 to succeed to the Pertubuhan Seni Gayong Fatani Malaysia – France created by the late Tuan Mohammath Raban pioneer of the Silat Melayu in France in the early 80’s.

Although it is a young organization, it is the official representative in France on behalf the Pertubuhan Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia (PSGFM). Culture Silat is also very active in promoting Silat Melayu through performances during cultural shows or official events.

Throughout the years, Culture Silat has developped strong relationships with malaysian (and even indonesian) institutions and associations in France such as:

  • Malaysian Embassy
  • Permanent Delegation of Malaysia to UNESCO
  • Malaysian Association in France (MAF)
  • Malaysian Students Association in France (MASAF)
  • Gamelan association Pantcha Indra

Therefore, Cultre Silat has decided to join the European Silat Melayu Federation as a french organization in order to continue its mission to spread Seni Gayung Fatani.